Tutorial � Ellory prelims, neuro, somatosensory cortex

Greg Detre



orientation of the columns in the spinal cord

modality specificity

connections at 4 or 5 levels ascending up the spine brain

some fibres cross/integrate, modified by descending pathways (tracts)


somatosensory cortex � 4 sub-units, each with topographical map of body

1, 2, 3a, 3b����� differing input (from thalamus/each other)

size of area sensitivity�������� also maps for other senses

visual system org


how study? recording particular regions with electrodes

also lesions + brain damage��������� cut the tract

retrograde pathways � back up the cell (non-metabolisable radioactive sugar)

mutants � non-binocular vision because fibres don't cross


receptor � mechanical stimulation cell changes mechanism when you press

stretch-activated channels������ let in Ca2+ ions, �/span> trigger secretion, or AP

adaptation � not aware of clothes

Pacinian � elastic membrane sacs (RA)

3 or 4 layers of membrane � if push hard, stretch activates

if push slowly, will be damped by the viscosity of the fluid

will stop firing after a while from stimulus because the sacs will be squeezed back

frequency-tuned because resonate to low vibrations

pain, heat, cold, vibration, itching?( = chemo-receptor

Brady� released locally and acts on receptors

to depolarise, responds to small peptides)

temperature sensitivity � channel in to membrane whi is temperature-sensitivity

membrane lipids will change������� some bimodality

capsaysin(???) � chili pepper, s� heal + pain kills neuron (in whole areas in dental psychology)

pain = chemical receptor to particular peptides

pressure � Pacinian (onion-like)�������� free nerve-endingno organ on the end

flowerspray � branched axons����� dendritic


pain Ad + C fibres������� difference in velocity (myelination)

Melzack�s gate-control theory � stimulation of cutaneous receptors pain � rub if you get kicked

because two sorts of ascending pathways, competing for finite capacities (TENS machines)

two sensory modalities coming together

anti-dromic, e.g. of the phys going wrong

bite then white then flare

damage to blood vessels, fluid spilling out

pain ascending travels back down to cause pain around the wound


hand receptor then up to spinal cord�������� dorsal root synapses

then to relay station (e.g. thalamus)

2 or 3 synapses on the way up

some functions cross, some don't

eye + ear

much more logical org������ columnar organisation



anti-dromic � travelling in the opposite direction

why cross over?

cortex evolved after, so it got connected laterally

growth cone driven by

apoptotic neurons to guide in development